4 in the Morning: Spinning Unicorn Store

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Twice each day we scan our YouTube metrics as well as websites on the cutting edge of internet culture to discover the most buzzed about videos.
Apple Store Challenge Spinning Cups Nail Art Animation Porcelain Unicorn
  1. Comedian Mark Malkoff test the boundaries of what the Apple store will put up with. As seen on Laughing Squid.
  2. This video of a cafeteria cup trick from last fall went mostly unnoticed until yesterday. As seen on VVVs.
  3. This spot from KIA required 25 days and 1,200 bottles of nail polish. As seen on Jezebel.
  4. This dramatic short won the Philips "Tell It Your Way" contest in 2010 but is suddenly seeing a renewed boost in interest. As seen on Daily Wh.at.