College Football Videos: 'I'm Not a BYU Guy!'

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College football season is now well under way in the United States and, naturally, its college football-related videos that are starting rise in popularity across our Trends Dashboard. In particular, we dug into the heavily-viewed videos in some of the U.S.'s biggest college towns to see what fans were sharing three weeks into the football year.

Right now, this clip is one of the Most Shared in Salt Lake City today. It's said to be captured by a pair of amused parents on Friday, the day before the famed "Holy War" game between BYU and the University of Utah:

The clip is reminiscent of this funny and widely-seen video from last fall, which was very popular in the state of Alabama. It was posted exactly one year ago today:

Meanwhile, we're also starting to see some silly tailgating antics spread as well among college football fans. These videos were said to have been captured over the weekend at University of Michigan and University of Kentucky tailgates: