Inside YouTube Search: iPhone Spike

8:48 AM , 0 Comments

After only "Steve Jobs," "iPhone 4s" was the top rising search globally on YouTube last week, and the official video introducing Apple's voice control app, Siri, was seen over one million times.

The announcement of the 4s caused a predictable sharp spike in "iPhone" searches that dwarfs the spikes for previous releases in the past few years. We've plotted out the weekly search interest below:

Over 20,000 videos tagged "iPhone" were posted in the past week, a mix of official videos, news videos, parodies, and other reactions. Some of the most popular parodies were those spoofing Apple's commercials and promos, like this one, which has been seen over 400,000 times:

More: As noted above, "Steve Jobs" was the top rising search last week and his 2005 Stanford commencement speech was third. The address was watched roughly 4.6 million times in the past 7 days. More on the reaction to the sad news of his passing here.