Trending This Week on YouTube: Britney Superfans, OK Go & More

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The sun is shining, the temps are rising, and the first summer memes are starting to bloom. This week on the Spotlight Channel, we got to know some “Females Who Code," celebrated "Sloth Week," and asked the age-old q: “Famous Cats: Where Are They Now?”

And here are a few highlights from everything else:

Volinez Spears - “Hi Brit”

Is there anything more beautiful than a superfan's love for his idol? This week we got a stunning spin on a Britney classic from Israeli performance artist Gal Volinez (aka VOLINEZ SPEARS), who edited himself into literally every frame of Brit’s “Work It” video. An instant entry into our (completely unofficial) fan video Hall of Fame, Gal joins Ton Do-Nguyen, a 16-year-old who replicated Beyonce’s "Countdown" video shot for shot in a blue Snuggie. The completely profound result won the ultimate superfan prize: a shout-out from Queen Bey herself.

OK Go - “The Writing on the Wall”

Virtuosos of dad-pop, maestros of the mind-numbing music vid ... OK Go was back in a big way this week. Though their previous works have featured intricate treadmill choreography, dancing dogs, and a Rube Goldberg machine, the video they released this week--a four-minute trompe l’oeil masterpiece--might take the cake. You’ve gotta see it to (dis)believe it. The band and crew spent a month in a Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn warehouse prepping the M.C. Escher-inspired set, and the single-take final result took a cool 50 tries. OK Go ... this Bud’s for you.

AsapSCIENCE - “Should you hover or cover?”

You’ll want to chuck your cutting board immediately after watching the latest AsapSCIENCE. The masters of the whiteboard explainer--their channel has had more than 250M views, pretty amazing when you consider that their stock-in-trade is nerdy educational videos--had a hit this week as they investigated the public restroom. Feeling inquisitive? Check out this “That’s a Good Question” playlist.

Alton Brown - “How to Slice a Mango”

Food Network host Alton Brown only started posting YouTube videos to his channel two months ago, but he’s already clocked in a couple of hits with Grilled Grilled Cheese and Champagne Saber Time. This week, he mixed a straightforward tutorial with a little perverse physical comedy. The result? APPETIZING.

--Claire Stapleton